Unravel their stories.

House of Fortemps Knights.
Red Mage.



  1. If you are here, then that means you either skimmed through all the contents I have provided or actually read them, thank you! I hope you like it so far. It's worth noting that most of the information above might change in the future.

  2. RP Tag = IC and IC=/=OOC.

  3. If you don't see the RP tag on above my character's head while I am hanging out in the Quicksand, do not hesitate to send me a tell and ask if I am up for roleplaying.

  4. Do not worry about the length of your writing because I'll mirror it! I am very flexible about it.

  5. I am cool with all genres (action, adventure, romance, angst, dark, and mature just to name a few) as long as they're not weird and illegal.

  6. For shipping, I am open to them but heavy chemistry is extremely required.

  7. While I love writing, I also want to grow some trust between writers. You know what they say, the more comfortable you are with the other writer- the better story you can produce. Think of it like multiplayer writing! If you have good teammates, you can certainly play this roleplaying game really well together!

  8. Last but not least, the usual RP common sense (no godmodding, do not be toxic, no metarp and etc, etc, you know the drill.)

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